iPhone 15 Reviews

1. Apple’s new iPhone 15 Review does not have anything completely new.
2. The phone inherits its looks and general design from last year’s iPhone 14.
3. The phone has softer corners, making it more comfortable to hold.
4. The glass back of the phone has a satin finish, making it fingerprint resistant.
5. The screen has a dynamic island and is brighter, but still has a 60 hertz display.
6. App developers have been utilizing the dynamic island in useful ways.
7. The phone has the same button and speaker placements as the iPhone 14.
8. The phone’s strategy is to take familiar features and do them the Apple way.

The iPhone 15 is Apple’s latest release, with no new features or technology, but rather an upgrade on existing features. Apple’s strategy is to take something that has already been seen before and do it “the Apple way”. The design of the iPhone 15 inherits the same looks and general design as the 14, with softened corners and a glass-backed, non-pro iPhone with a satin back. The colors are weak, but the phone is the most fingerprint-resistant iPhone in years. The screen is not new, but new to this iPhone, with the dynamic island and the punch cutout the Apple way. The notch is finally dead, and app developers have been getting on board with useful ways over the past year. The screen is brighter, up to 2,000 knits, and it is outdoors-friendly. The iPhone 15 still has a 60 hertz display, which is strange for an $800 phone in 2023. However, most people buying this phone will not notice the difference, and the target demographic of this phone is totally fine with the 60 hertz display. Apple is always making subtle improvements, and a higher refresh rate is more noticeable to more people than some of those other things.

Bullet Summary:
– The iPhone 15 is an upgrade on existing features, rather than new technology.
– Apple’s strategy is to take something that has already been seen before and do it “the Apple way”.
– The design of the iPhone 15 inherits the same looks and general design as the 14.
– The screen is not new, but new to this iPhone, with the dynamic island and the punch cutout the Apple way.
– The iPhone 15 still has a 60 hertz display, which is strange for an $800 phone in 2023.
– Most people buying this phone will not notice the difference, and the target demographic of this phone is totally fine with the 60 hertz display.
– Apple is always making subtle improvements, and a higher refresh rate is more noticeable to more people than some of those other things.

How To Pay Yourself As An LLC

– The article discusses how to pay yourself as a single member LLC.
– A single member LLC is a disregarded entity, which means it is no different from a sole proprietorship business.
– Establishing an EIN number is important for a single member LLC to identify the business and open a business bank account.
– The liability is separated from the business owner in a single member LLC.
– To pay yourself as a single member LLC, you can take a distribution or move money over to your personal bank account without running payroll.
– There is no deduction for paying yourself in a single member LLC because you are not processing payroll with a payroll company and not taxed as an S corporation.
– Shareholders in a single member LLC can take income and pay employees, receiving a deduction for employee payments but not for paying themselves.
– Many single member LLC clients face difficulties when paying themselves because they do not receive a deduction for doing so.

In this video, the host discusses how to pay yourself as a single member LLC and explains the characteristics of a disregarded entity. As a single member LLC owner, you have separated your liability from yourself and established an EIN number for your business. You can open a business banking account, including a checking account, savings account, and credit card. To pay yourself, you need to distribute money to yourself, but you won’t receive a deduction for paying yourself since you’re not processing payroll with a payroll company and not taxed as an S corporation. This can be a challenge for many single member LLC clients who want to grow their finances and start paying themselves. It’s crucial to pay yourself the right way to avoid getting into trouble and leverage tax law to your advantage.

Bullet Summary:
– To pay yourself as a single member LLC, you need to distribute money to yourself.
– You won’t receive a deduction for paying yourself since you’re not processing payroll with a payroll company and not taxed as an S corporation.
– It’s crucial to pay yourself the right way to avoid getting into trouble and leverage tax law to your advantage.

5 Banks will Approve a New LLC $50,000 Without Proof of INCOME!

– The author recommends five banks for getting business funding without proof of income.
– Business funding differs from business credit, which involves opening lines of credit with specific companies.
– Payday scores are not important for getting funding from financial institutions.
– Business funding involves leveraging both personal and business credit to obtain lines of credit from banks.
– New LLCs and small business owners may not have traditional financial documentation, which is why some lenders offer stated income loans and credit cards.
– Stated income loans and credit cards allow businesses to state their income without providing traditional financial documentation.
– Personal credit is important for obtaining business funding, but there are strategies to minimize reliance on personal credit.
– The author emphasizes the importance of getting funding quickly and easily for new LLCs and small business owners.

The author suggests that there are five banks that can provide up to $50,000 in business funding without the need for proof of income. The author differentiates between business credit and business funding, with the former being lines of credit with particular companies and the latter being leveraging the business owner’s personal credit to secure lines of credit and credit lines with banks. The author emphasizes that personal credit is crucial for securing business funding, and that lenders do not care about personal credit scores. The author suggests that new businesses, which may not have revenue, can still secure funding through stated income loans or stated income business credit cards, where the income can be self-declared. The author does not explain why these particular banks are able to provide funding without proof of income.

Bullet Summary:
– There are five banks that can provide up to $50,000 in business funding without proof of income
– Business credit is different from business funding, with the former being lines of credit with particular companies and the latter being leveraging the business owner’s personal credit to secure lines of credit and credit lines with banks
– Personal credit is crucial for securing business funding
– Stated income loans or stated income business credit cards can be used to secure funding even if the business has no revenue
– The author does not explain why these particular banks are able to provide funding without proof of income

3 Best Personal Loan Companies

–Personal loans can be useful for debt consolidation, home improvements, or medical bills.
– Personal loans should only be considered if there are no other options available.
– Be responsible with personal loans as they are not cheap loans.
– Many big lenders charge a 5% origination fee, which can be a waste of money.
– Look for lenders that don’t charge origination fees.
– Beware of loan scams that exist and prey on social media sites.
– Marcus by Goldman Sachs is a recommended personal loan company with rates starting just under 7% and no fees.
– Good credit is required to qualify for the best rates with Marcus.

In this video, Jason from Honest Finance shares his research on personal loan companies and discusses the pros and cons of each option. He explains that personal loans are useful for debt consolidation, home improvements, and medical bills. However, he warns viewers to be responsible with personal loans and only use them when necessary. Jason also advises viewers to watch out for loan scams and avoid companies that charge origination fees. He recommends Marcus by Goldman Sachs as a top personal loan company due to their lack of fees and competitive rates, which start just under 7% and go up to 25%. Marcus allows borrowers to take out loans between $3,500 and $40,000 and repay them over 36 to 72 months. Jason emphasizes the importance of having good credit to qualify for the best rates. Overall, Jason’s video provides helpful insights for those considering a personal loan and highlights the importance of being informed and responsible with borrowing.

Bullet Summary:
– Personal loans are useful for debt consolidation, home improvements, and medical bills
– Be responsible with personal loans and only use them when necessary
– Watch out for loan scams and avoid companies that charge origination fees
– Marcus by Goldman Sachs is a top personal loan company with no fees and competitive rates (start just under 7% and go up to 25%) for loans between $3,500 and $40,000, repayable over 36 to 72 months
– Good credit is important to qualify for the best rates

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